Dear Customer,
In accordance with the law of March 17, 2014, and If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return the product with the original receipt, original packaging and its included accessories within fourteen calendar days of picking up your product(s).
To help you exercise this right we provide you with a PDF form to download,, to complete and print.
If you do not have a printer you can also use the template below to return us as a handwritten letter.
In all cases do not forget to:
{First Name and last Name of Sender}
{Adress and phone number of Sender}
{First Name and last Name of Recipient}
{Adress and phone number of Recipient}
{Place and date}
Letter with confirm receipt
Reference: {Invoice number, Consumer number}
Object: Cancellation of an order within 14 days.
I order at {date of order}, in your website the folowing products:
{Products list. Name of products like on purchase order}.
In accordance with L121-20 the Consumer Code, the 14 day period has not expired, I ask you to cancel my order and return the payment.
Bests Regards